Senin, 13 Oktober 2008

Tweak your mouse sensitivity in Windows virtual machines

I doubt a lot of virtualization fans is having this issue on most of the virtualization platform. This is not a major issue, but it is quite annoying and it will lower down your mouse pointer sensitivity. It is very hard for you to do testing or manage the Windows virtual machine if you cannot move your mouse pointer smoothly. Recently I just realized how to solve it from a friend of mine. Before this I would like to share this post with my friend, Wayne Lee King Lek. Thanks for him to share this knowledge with me.

Here is the step by step how to encounter the issue mentioned above:

  1. At your Windows VM desktop, right click your mouse, and then go to Properties.
  2. Browse to Settings tab, and then click on Advanced button at the right bottom.
  3. Click on the Troubleshoot tab, adjust the Hardware acceleration to Full.

Thats all for this small trick. Hope this post will help you all.

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